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Author: one2one

Chandika Yagna Sadhana

Date: September
Time: 8am – 5pm
Place: Srirangapatna
Type: Group Program 1
Eligibility: Seekers who attended One2One Transcendences & 20% entry for first time attenders

Maha Shivarathri

Date: 8th March 2024, Friday
Time: 6pm – 6am
Place: Bangalore
Type: Special Day Sadhana
Eligibility: Seekers who attended One2One Transcendences or Healings

Chandika Homa

Date: 6th August 2023, Sunday Time: 8.30am to 4.30pm Place: Srirangapatna

Manavalli Veena

Director, Reputation Spiral

The Transcendental path with Santhoshji. is very Unique, tailormade, beyond our imagination.

Sometimes, in spite of having everything, there can be a missing piece of greater purpose in our lives.. Santhoshji helps us to understand and know the exclusive purpose of our lives transcendentally.

One must experience it themselves to know uniqueness & power of this path with Santhoshji

Santhoshji is Simple, minimalistic yet Unique & special spiritual Maestro

I would recommend this path & Santhoshji to Every individual who looks out for true bliss and purpose of life.

Dr. Jyotsna Chander (70yrs)

Newcastle, UK.

It is the path to knowing oneself and real spirituality.. Everyone will experience and learn things according to where they are in their soul journey.

My meditation went deeper than ever before with the initiations & directions given by Santhoshji. I am becoming non judgmental and learning to see things in a different light than before , understanding more and ABLE to Realise the WHYS OF WHAT IS HAPPENING.

Santhoshji is an enlightened being, very generous and kind to be unlocking the real spirituality & enlightening the seekers in a simple, scientific way. My heart felt thanks to him always.

Also I am learning to live for the moment and not think of the past or future. I feel at home and one with all.

I want to recommend this path & Santhoshji to all who want to learn how to solve the mysteries of life and death and want to go forward in one’s journey of the soul.

I feel that I have found a true Guru for me ,who will lead me on my journey now and through infinity in the way I should go  Om Om Om

Bishwanath Dam (38yrs)

Project Management Consultant

I have been walking this path with Santhoshji from June 2022 and I must say the ways he assist you showing the right path and helps you with your problems are exceptional and commendable. He always guides you and makes sure you are on the right path. Not only that he also explains you with both scientific and spiritual enlightenments which make the program to understand much easier.

My experience throughout the journey is amazing and I have learnt a lot of new things which I was unaware of. I do see significant benefits things which are stuck in my life and issues seeing them resolved both on personal and professional front.

I was having some health issues for long time i.e for many years which I have seen with his guidance and assistance getting eroding. Also last year I had some professional ups and downs going on and when I said him he said it will get sorted out is short time and I cannot believe that it did really worked and I have seen career upliftment which I was not expecting at all.

In one word, Santhoshji is my “GURU” constantly guiding me asking me about my well being and I must say he is a problem solver. He treats me like his younger brother I think he also likes me.

I think anyone who wants any kind of development in their life be it social, economical, physical, psychological, mental and Spiritual, should seek the blessing of Santhoshji. Why? Because I have seen the results and proven one and he will hand hold you and take you to the next level of life and powers which you are not even aware of.

I am greatly thank full to Santhosji for taking me to new horizon and his teaching at the granular level is outstanding. I have nothing to say because the Journey is blissful and at the same time enjoyable. My experience is great and feeling is amazing and mostly clarity of understanding of the program. Thank you very very much Santhoshji.

Dr. SSR (77yrs)

California, USA

This path, very new to me, opens up about receiving the energies in the cosmos in a way beneficial to me. It is also a healing process with participation of both Santhoshji and the seeker.

It has helped me to get over my fear and anxieties, resulting in less agitation in my mind. The calming of the mind makes the physical pains less perceptive.

Santoshji has a gentle and reassuring way of addressing the issues that one is dealing with.

I want to recommend this path & Santhoshji to any person who is seeking an answer to one's emotional state resulting from physical, mental or relationship issues.

Rajashree (26yrs)

Home Maker
Malleswaram, Bangalore

It was a helping hand from God that I found about this path with Santhosh Guruji.

Yes when I was pregnant I had complications & during that time my baby was blessed by Santhoshji and it survived and came out to this world healthy..... that time my circumstances were tough. I had lot of challenges while carrying my baby inside me, I thought that the baby would die inside my womb because of the challenges...so had more emotional pain.

Without Santhosh Guruji my journey wouldn't have been resumed, I was terribly looking for help from God asking me to help me, his Blessings & guidances has heled a lot. I believe that wherever I am Guruji will always bless me with his grace, because I believe that he knows before I knew what happened, what's happening and what will happen, it's like Guruji can see through anything in one's life by their Power and can protect and bless......

It has made me survived a very harsh crucial period of my life and has given me hope to continue my beautiful journey with the blessings of Santhosh Guruji

I believe that who are all destined to meet Santhosh Guruji will get his grace & guidances, his blessings will surely find this path ...... "Guru will appear when his disciples are ready!!!"

Yes I am looking forward for more and more in this journey it's just the beginning to me and this path (meeting of Santhosh Guruji)it's like saviour in the ocean.......Without Guruji today I would not been alive or here continuing my life journey....... I believe that God himself has come in the form of Santhosh Guruji in this Kaliyuga to bless his children like there is a saying by Lord Krishna himself "Paritranaya Sadhoonam, Vinashayacha Dushkrutam, Dharmasamstapanathaya sambhavami Yuge Yuge"........

Anjali (38yrs)

Home Maker

In the past I have followed 2-3 Guruji’s. I felt, the method what I learnt from other Guru’s are much different from what I am learning now from Santhoshji. I feel this is easy to follow & is very powerful. That is the reason I am following TRANSCENDENTAL PATH with Santhoshji. From the day I met him and till date. I am experiencing lot of changes in my lifestyle.

My health has improved a lot. Lot of changes I am experiencing in daily routine, both physically and mentally. Due to this I am saving lot of time and I am able to spend that time for other useful work.

Santhoshji has bundle of knowledge & spiritual grace, un-imaginable. I feel, there is lot of things to learn from Santhoshji.

When we go for scheduled sessions, Santhoshji ask a question, whether you have a particular problem ?, my immediate answer is ‘No’, either because of I would not have realized it or due to self ‘ego’ I don’t accept. But, when I think about this question after the session is over, he make us realise & I feel that yes, I have that problem, but not realized and I feel how many more such problems exists with in us which we have not able to realize, but Santhoshji could identify. This I have experienced 2-3 times.

I have recommended this path to some of my friends, to have joyful and healthy life

I have decided to continue lifelong in this path with the guidance of Santhoshji

Bhavika (16yrs)

1 PUC Student
Christ College, Bangalore

This path has helped me in many ways. I am no longer extremely angry on a person and don’t act in an angry state. This unique path has helped me overcome my stress and anxiety about the future and studies. It has helped me with my education as well as my creative journey as I am also an artist by nature. I have learnt so many important lessons from Santhosh Ji.

I remember as clear as day when Santhosh Ji told me to do a partcular exercise before my 10th board exams which really helped me remembered all the information for my exam & excelled in the board exam with top scores.

This path is very useful to everyone and anyone, the lessons, quality thoughts and the calmness it induces in us with spiritual powers helps us in many ways. It doesn’t make one angry easily and teaches us to think before we act.

I think Santhosh Ji is a chosen person who is here to help everyone. I’m really grateful to Santhosh Ji for helping me in this path and giving one on one sessions every time.

I would like to recommend this path to my grandmother, relatives & all my friends.

Raveesh MK (48yrs)

Managing Director & CFO
MAN Energy Solutions India Pvt Ltd, India(Subsidiary of VOLKSWAGEN)

For me it is a divine experience and I feel blessed to follow this path with Santoshji. I have got immensely benefitted both family front and also the professional front.

I am able to manage the stress level to a major extent and I am able to realize the things which I was missing. Still learning a lot here in this pat...

I can not express Santhoshji in words, for me he is the Guru, with his enormous experience, spirituality, level of patience and hard work to service his followers, I am blessed to have such personality.

In times of traumatic situations, I only remember Sanhoshji and when I call him, I get immediate resolution with calm and composed way, even though my call is without prior intimidation. I had many such incidents.

I want to recommend all the people who believe in TRANSCENDENTAL PATH with full faith, without doubting to get enriched, to have a joyful and healthy life.

As far as possible I will remain a staunch follower of this PATH with Santhoshji and I would prefer my kids should follow the same path to have a great life ahead.

Arjun Raj Urs (58yrs)

Leadership Results Coach

It is a path which brought me out of my troubles and turmoil's

Also, I had severe back pain due to which I was not able give my complete attention and focus to my profession. This made me to feel distressed. I did go to Doctors for back pain but had no relief.

After couple of sessions with Santhoshji, my back pain was gone and I was back on track with my profession

To say about Santhoshji with my experience, he is calm demeanor with patience and clarity. He took me through a unique process which gave all the relief in everyway.

I experienced a lot of special experiences & incidences in this path with Santhoshji. Every session was unique and the what Santhosh ji initiated & recommended me to practice worked like magic.

With complete happiness & joy, I have been recommending Santhoshji to my friends looking for success & who are in distress and health issues and it has worked well for them. I will continue to do so in future.

Gayathri Sharma (51yrs)

Ex High school teacher
Hymamshu Jyothikalapeetha School

I think this path with Santhoshji is shown to us by lord Krishna, otherwise such divine spiritual experience was a miracle to us.

Not everyone is able to meet such divine person in their life. We can feel the transcendal changes happening the moment we meet Santhosh guruji. Total calmness arised in our mind.

As the quote in sanskrit says अनेक जन्म सम्प्राप्त कर्मबन्ध विधाहिने,आत्मज्ञान प्रदानेन तस्मै श्रीगुरवे नमः guru' s grace will erase all sins done in many janma will be eradicated and true wisdom realisation arises, we will be awakened to the infinitity of lord which is the very purpose of our human life. We are blessed to meet sadguru and walk in such great sanathana guru parampara path. When your pain becomes severe and you cry for lord and your sincere prayers reaches lord, he appears in the form of sadguru and liberate us from clutches of anadi parampara of prarabdhas. Let every sincere soul who cry for such guru' s grace meet guru like Santhoshji ,who is the form of lord himself. IT IS TRUE.

Pranams to such lotus feet of jagadguru Srikrishna. Humble pranams to your lotus feet guruji

We were ordinary persons had lot of prarabdha karma generated effects on us, we were desperate for solutions, at right time, we were guided by lord to meet santhosh guruji.

With him We felt & realized that all miseries are our own destiny's play. Instead of blaming someone for our plight, we need to look upon self and accept others as they are, is the best way to live our life peacefully is taught by guruji with right spiritual initiations and we had immense energy with directions given by guruji to change ourselves.

My daughter's happiness has been set right and given a lot of strength and will power was awakened in her, as she was carrying for the first time.

Our grand daughter was saved in the womb by guruji as once my daughter had complications in the 6th month. It was almost at the edge of mis carriage, he guided us to trust lord and guruji graced for the chid' s survival. Baby has born with such glow and calmness we feel really blessed to have and see her in life. what more can a mother expect to have her child in safe.

Anothoer experience is, we went to singapore with our pregnant daughter and in law in that situation, traveling was not recommended by doctor but with guruji' s blessings we went and returned back safely. Our daughter's in laws came and performed on their own on thottilu shasthra in our place .child' s arrival had filled the happiness in them.

Santhosh guruji listens to our problems at immensely patience. You can feel bliss in his presence, even in a thought of guruji where ever you are and what ever sutuation u r in, feel consoled and solace.

Also lot of changes has taken place with regard in son in law' s support towards my daughter and care towards our grand child.

Many changes have been experienced, some times 6th sense used to be activated in facing & handling problematic situations . We had Astral world experiences in the form of dreams ,where in we visualized blessings of guru' s forms in flying rishi form and penancing guru has been felt.

We would like to recommend the people who trust and believe in God and guru parampara. Any one who is blessed soul will only be able to meet guruji .once gurukripa is there on us,we cross the ocean of samsara & lead our hunan life to its best and meet d challenges of life perfectly and be of help to others in the society.

C. Hariharan (40yrs)

Chief Wealth Advisor
CAN Wealth Management, Bangalore.

Actually Santhoshji shows who really you are i.e. he shows the person who you wanted to meet within yourself which the soul may be looking for it from many lives. He is also a catalyst between what you want to accomplish (goals) and where you are (i.e.the present you).

Santhoshji is somebody who is very spiritual and who knows how to bring that highest spiritual reality into this world in this era. He is very calm and he knows in & out of every soul & has supernatural capabilities to make one reach their hieghest potential & live peaceful & Successful life. That's what Santhoshji for me.

We were looking for house for past 4 years we were not able to decide when to go which house to choose but when I started doing this programme with santoshi in a very short span of 2 to 3 days, I was able to analyse a house and we shifted to a new house. And with respect to health, especially during Corona pandemic situations, with Santhoshji's spiritual guidance and divine healings all my family members were saved and protected throughout and all everybody's immunity improved dramatically.

Even the relationship among all family members improved to a whole new level even in my profession I got high clarity and become efficient in my management and results achieved.

I have been attending a lot of different spiritual programs corporate programs, life building programs for very long years from different well known masters cross places but this path with Santhoshji is very very unique and exclusive to myself and it's amazing in every way.

I can't compare this program with any other programmes it's very unique very Special. In my experience I felt this programme is completely designed for myself not for group thats the uniqueness of this program.

According to me everybody who love themselves should do these programs. To be specific I say every decision maker should do this it may be corporate leaders or political leaders or homemakers should do this program. Further who want to reach next level in life be it adults or children who are the future of the society aor old age people who are the guiding blocks of society and even spiritual people entrepreneurs doctors, Scientists & everybody should be this program and experience a life larger than normal life & make life powerful in reaching peak in their respective fields & life.

Mr. Ishrat Ali (57yrs)

Golfer, Coffee Planter & Entrepreneur

I met santoshi 3 years back after which my life changed completely for good. In this 3 years, I started a new journey in both spirituality and worldly things. He taught me a lot of things which were unbelievably transcendental in nature which is very useful in every aspect of our life. He is very good at it & he can change anybody's life from one year to 80 years plus even the lives of best leaders. He takes out all negativity and puts lot of goodness and spiritual powers in one. In this path with him, not only me but even my children and grandchildren have changed very positively and greatly.

You won't find or meet anybody like santhosh guruji who is so truthful with in depth knowledge and in depth enlightenments, even if you search for 10s of years. He is such a nice person and knowledgeable and enlightened and capable person in both spirituality and worldly. With him, you can improve your day-to-day life, Businesses etc.

He can take you to a new heights which you have not seen in your lifetime.

After meeting him and after taking some sessions with him you can know why you are born and why you have come to this life and you'll feel much better inside of yourself and you will grow in confidence and you will see the world in a very nice perspective which nobody can teach and empower simultaneously.
He is the master and He is the Master of Masters.

Santoshi is born for this & he has got lot of powers the spiritual powers and he will give you what suits you at that moment slowly. In my opinion, nobody is capable of this.

He takes out negative blocks in life and starts making life better and betterin ever way. You will become more and more positive & powerful a day-by-day. You can definitely experience these within 5 to 6 sessions with him. It's is better for yourself and you will have inner Peace.

In this world lot of people are chasing inner peace (shanti) they are all going to differet gurus, even to the big big gurus known across giving big money. Even my friends who are top bureaucrats - IAS officers, SPs DGs and business leaders have gone to big names in India and going there for 5 days,10 days giving lacks and lacks of rupees and dollars & their time. I know what they teach there. Of course they are good but they are not as good as Santhoshji. You should experience this path with Santhoshji to know what I am trying to say. In my experiences with Santhosh guruji, life will become better and better and you will have peace everywhere Santhosh guruji gives personal attention that is the most important & special thing.

Mr. Sheshadri (46yrs)

Structural Engineer & Entrepreneur
Building Consortium (P) Ltd., Bangalore.

Here the programs are very unique and are not available anywhere be it in the formal education world or digital world, it can only be experienced and cannot be explained in words to others. These unique experiences & realisations can be given only by Maestro Santhoshji.

This path has given me immense confidence in taking up day-to-day challenges in my organisation as well as in my personal life. Further my positive energy has magnified and I am doing much much better compared to my past.

These programs with Santhoshji are very unique and has no curriculum and it's not counselling. Here the energy and the divine powers & divine intelligence flows through Santhoshji to the seekers even without they asking anything in particular. It's beyond logics but very practical even to the reasoning mind.

I want to recommend this path & programs to who need such positive energy and growth in personal life, career, spiritual life and especially to the entrepreneurs for greater achievements and contributions.

Ms.Ramya (46yrs)

Working Professional & Home maker

I had many issues with regarding my family and my health so I tried for solutions in many other places like doctors, counselors, healers etc, where I couldn't find answers to my problems. But when I met Santhoshji through my husband, Santhoshji through his spiritual grace & initiations, gave very unique techniques & guidances to follow. Which were very simple and easy which were very specific to me. I Don't know how but all my problems got resolved and I got highly energised and empowered in my life in every way.

Further I was searching for a career which suits me from almost 18 years. I was unable to find answers for this also. After joining the programmes and this path with Santhoshji, I don't know how all things happened, within 3 months everything of my life got into one line and got streamlined. Now I'm in a career which satisfies me and my self confidence has improved, my career line and profession has changed. And I am very much happy with my life after a very long time may be after 17 or 18 years.

Now I am feeling my life is worth it, also my relationship with my family members has improved drastically now we don't have issues with family which we used to have earlier.

Just me walking this path with Santhoshji, automatically all my family members life has improved greatly in every way.

Earlier I had issues with my teenage son due to the teenage tantrums now It's resolved with Santhoshji's grace and support.

Also during recession and the pandemics my husband's business was least affected with the grace and guidance of Santhoshji.

The best part is Santhoshji provides personal attention to every seeker and he is brilliant and unbelievable in his work/Seva. He injects unbelievable energy and consciousness into us and He also awakens infinite powers within us with his supernatural spiritual powers which works beyond logical understandings.

To tell about Santhoshji, I have no specific words to descrape simply I put it as a modern Rushi Muni (Modern Sage) in modern attires, difficult to recognise but with supernatural grace and powers. It looks like he got this power from his many past lives (janmas). Further, I feel he is the replica of guru mandala and initiates that guru Thatwa in all seekers for higher order blissful life.

In this path with Santhoshji, we seriously out grow every aspect of life and realise we are not just meant for someone's wife or someone's daughter or mother etc, but we become very special individual's & realise real self.

I recommend to all who need solutions to the issues of life and to ones who want to realise one's purpose and create destiny of choice with complete blissfulness.

Anirudh (12yrs)


After the program, I have become happy & confident in Studies & Sports.

Even Appa & Amma (Parents) are happy.

Venkatesh Murthy (47yrs)

Managing Director
ACE Industries, Bangalore.

During the global Corona pandemic2, miraculously my cousin got completely cured of very serious Corona infections & highly deteriorated health conditions by santoshji's grace.

We don't know how it works but seriously santoshji has some Super Natural Powers.

When my cousin was admitted in hospital, his health condition was very very bad with very high BP of 280/100+ and sugar level had shot up to 400plus and oxygen to level ( saturation ) was very low where even Doctors had no positive promise. During this condition, my contacts & known people suggested santoshji's spiritual healing miracles curing many Corona patients during that time. As the last resort with complete belief and faith I approached Santhoshji who actually worked distantly with convincing care guidance & I saw the miracle within few days when my cousin came out of ICU and the hospital with the best of the health.

Further I took One2One programs of Santhoshji for my manufacturing business & the self. With his guidance & blessings we have brought a very Unique Practice in the industry because which we have achieved good growth, high respect, high acceptances, more involvement & higher retention of both Clients & Suppliers.

It's difficult to believe but prople who are getting connected to him are getting their problems solved automatically & succeeding in life with his powers & guidances.

I too have experienced & I strongly know that Santhoshji really has Super Natural Power though he doesn't appear so. He is the Best suit for our personal, Professional & spiritual life simultaneously.

M V Mohana Ram (58yrs)

Entrepreneur, Ex-Banker & Pranic Healer

The programs are about the unleashing the power of human and reaching higher potential. Also helps in knowing the hidden destiny & further create a destiny of choice for any individual.

As a pranic master Healer myself have magnified my healing potentials with Santhoshji's spiritual powers & blessings.

Programme helps in recognizing the potential and aligning one's actions to realize the immense potential the supreme has made available to the individual.

These programs are unique as they are designed to individual requirements and not based on any logics and the restrictions imposed by any laws in the world, we live in.

The program helped me in my understanding of situation in life presented to me.

Further the program has changed my reaction to situation around me and it helped me to understand the situation and react effectively.

Maestro Santhoshjis is a realized soul and chosen one. He helps the seekers in their journey of life and help them to realize & access their unique & immense potential.

I recommend these programme every individual who wants to experience hidden potential and wants to discover hidden destiny & recreate one's own destiny. Strongly recommend to individual who want tosee bright light in their lives

Mr. Lynburn Marcus Morris (42yrs)

Principal Consultant
INFOSYS Limited, Bangalore.

Due to the program I have become more confident, achieved clearer thought, lessened anger, better control of the situations and mainly felt lighter inside and become healthier me.

He (Maestro) is very clear in thoughts and conducts the session in a very organized manner. Makes us understand purpose of life and he brings forth the change on us from within.

He is really a gifted person and I wish him that he continues this journey in a larger scale and reaches out to everyone.

I do recommend these life changing must programs to all seekers, who wants to unlock himself and understand the purpose of life so that God gifted short spam of life is not wasted away.

This experience which I went through is very hard to explain, you need to go through it to feel what it is like because of the experience each person gets is different from the sessions.

Hence, please don't have a fixed agenda in mind rather an open mind while attending these sessions.

Mr. Anandteerth Katti (52yrs)

Civil Engineer & Builder

Myself have experienced a very unique & mind-blowing powerful energy during the sessions of Santhoshji.

Maestro Santhoshji's program is excellent to improve our inherent capacity, willpower and self-confidence & much more... which are not possible through any types of Higher Education or Trainings or Experiences & not possible through any types of media.

Now a days, everyone requires 4 things mainly, they are, piece of mind, happiness in life, good health & Success. Which one can get from maestro Santhoshji and programs provided by him.

Santoshji is excellent in tuning our life & our energies and our higher consciousness & creates best way of life, life style and peace of mind.

I want to recommend all middle class, Rich Class, employees, students especially age of 5 to 21, elders to the age of 60+, Housewives etc. Who mainly needs stimulation of mind, Energy & Success in life.

I further recommend all to experience what I experienced i.e. My mind-blowing experience of powerful energy during the sessions of Santhoshji which made my life excellent.

Mr. Raghavendra (48yrs)

Chief Architect
M S RAMAIAH Institute of Technology & Medical College, Bangalore.

These programs are more than meditations, which makes you realize your inner strength and focus strong ability to reach real self. These programs give you confidence for self-decision, makes you dynamic, gives you leadership qualities and makes you more balanced emotionally, professionally, socially, and personally.

This journey is unique because it identifies your unique inner strength and hidden talent and empowers person to make him focused in holistic empowerment.

It will not be biased if I call Santhoshji a 'Maestro' as he has excelled in recognizing, identifying and analyzing and dealing any kind of person.

He is blessed and empowered by divine force. He is on a path guided by a Great Guru guru mandala.

People who are real seekers, who want self-realization, perfection and holistic empowerment need this program.

Ms. Gayathri S (46yrs)

Vidyaranyapura, Bangalore.

This path & program is extraordinary...

In this, all my troubling past memories and my inborn anger nature got permanently erased from inner self. Also very mysteriously my relationship with my In-laws, which was the biggest issue for 16 years, got completely resolved in no time. I don't know how to explain that how all it happens.

This path helps for all relationships. Now I am very happy in my life.

This journey with Santhoshji really helps in unbelievable ways, that is beyond logical rational reasoning.

I believe that this program has to be taken up by every single person who wants to live a peaceful & harmonious life.

Mr. Shyam Kumar (45yrs)

Founder & CEO
Founder & CEO, RAPTECH Solutions Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore.

Entrepreneurs can achieve greater Success in much better way in this path with Maestro Santhoshji.

With this path, I am experiencing higher consciousness, calm & peaceful mind with greater self awareness & Sharp Decisions. My energy levels have gone up to next levels.

The program has changed my life positively & empowered me drastically beyond my any other forms of learnings in life for much higher possibilities in both entrepreneurial & personal life.

I believe the energy within us and surrounding us makes difference in the way we live our life. If we cannot or don't know how to keep the great energy & conscious levels to live happy & larger life & want to access the powerful inner self, then it would be better to take help from Santhoshji.

This path & programs of Santhoshji has to be experienced than to be heard or read from some where because theses are very unique to every individual & are not available in YouTube or any forms of internet or Books.

Santhoshji is a simple & divine & mystic person who initiates greater dimensions within you for greater possibilities in every aspects of life. He is very uniquely spiritual & practical also.

He knows what he is doing. He has developed systematic methods to understand individual's inner seeking's and take them through this unique path so that one can realise his goals & dreams in life in a easy way.

I recommend professionals, Entrepreneurs, Organisations. Leaders, Homemakers, Students, & every individual seeking Success or solutions to take this program because He makes direct impact on every aspect of life for a successful & blissful life.

Ms. Nagina (50yrs)

Home maker Cum Coffee Planter

The program has awakened my senses & made me aware of actual self and the real world outside. With this not only my long lasted back pain is cured miraculously but also my whole family including 4year old grandson standout & empowered beyond our own imaginations.

Now I am dramatically changed person & my view towards life has changed for better . I have become calmer, very effective and have clarity of dealing with people & the realities. My health has improved a lot.

Santhoshji is the best spiritual person you can come across in this materialistic world.

I recommend the Maestro Santhoshji's programs to students, Adolescents, Housewives, businessmen also to the aged. It will definitely make their life wonderful & powerful.

Mr. Danish (23yrs)

MBA Student
R V Institute of Management, Bangalore.

It's a real freedom from conditioned mind & self created hell of thoughts, wrong belief systems, emotions and any type of addictions.

This path is very different, unique and far Superior to any kind of formal education, trainings, readings and even experiences. It's very very interesting, powerful, unbelievable & enjoyable too.

It improved my confidence, performances & achievements in every aspects of life.

Now I am feeling very special & very respected & looked at as a leader & a role model among my friend circle as I could follow my true originality because of this path with Santhoshji. Now definitely I am not in rat race any more in life and feel free to create my own destiny according to what I want.

Earlier as a confused graduate student, I didn't know what to do in my life but with maestro Santhoshji, I became more peaceful and got clarity of where to go forward in life. Following this path not only excelled in graduation but did an MBA from one of the top Business school in India with flying colours which was actually I had thought not possible for me.

Further I realised there is lot more to life than just what we see in front of our eyes.

Before, there were just my thoughts and very limited intelligence. Now I have greater access to vast amount of intelligence of the universe that is perfect for me and for this moment which I achieved with the help of Santhoshji.

The energy in this path not only effected me personally but also the atmosphere and environment around me and even all my family members very positively.

If you are a seeker then after meeting Santhoshji, life is bound to change more drastically and dramatically in both worldly matters and spiritual natures. He will point your soul in right direction which it may be searching for many lives.

Santhoshji is the 1st person in humanity who has connected both the domains I.e. highly spiritual domain and earthly domain It's like connecting the highest heavens to the ground reality I think only he can do.

Maestro is superb in what he does, very genuine in his purpose of empowering people. Everyone should do his programs at least once in life time for superior life.

I think this has become a new step for humanity where one can live without any sufferings with complete freedom.

Mr. T.N. Subramanya (51yrs)

Bharat Electronics (BEL)
Jalahalli, Bangalore.

Its an amazing activities because it has been designed by the Guruji, i.e., Maestro Santhoshji & he conducts the sessions by himself.

It's very very Effective & it's Commendable. We in life search for a realized master (Rishi/Muni) everywhere including jungles of India, but here such a realized master (rishi) is available at a stone's throw & easily available to all of us. I just can't believe it & feel so blessed. I have never seen or come across such a person & program in my life, it is really great.

Anyone can Easily tell 'Be in the present moment', but after meeting with Santhoshji-who is the higher Consciousness & when he started guiding me & empowering me, maximum moments of my life I am in the Present moment. I am enjoying each and every moment & have forgotten all past.

I am not able to express and withstand the Bliss & highest Happiness happening within me, I don't know how it is...

With Santhoshji, I am experiencing what I had heard from the realized persons or scriptures. I feel very blessed and happy. its amazing... This cannot be explained in words. We should experience this to tell about this.

He is a realized master (Guru) who has done great sadhana (penance / Thapasya) and moved so ahead, it means this is very Serious & Truthful & if we follow his steps, we will definitely achieve success.

To do Sadhana he is the best guide. We can consider him as the real Enlightened Master.

Anybody can attend this program. Especially the individuals who want to achieve something in life should do this program.

I personally feel the real sadhakas (Achievers) who have worked hard deeply to explore the self and realize their dreams can only get this path and this program. Such people should get it and they will get it.

If you come across Santhoshji, it means you have lots of blessings of your parents and ancestors and you must have done good work in your past life and you are very lucky in this life.

If you get him and his guidance, I think there is nothing more blessed thing than that.

Mr. Shiva Kumar S (43yrs)

Founder & Managing Director
iPact Tech Solutions Pvt Ltd, Bangalore, Dubai & USA.

Both my entrepreneurial life and my software company are enriched powerfully and prospered globally in this path with maestro Santhoshji

I left my corporate job in the USA 2years back and started a software company as an entrepreneur in Bangalore for the US market, since then I had been facing tough time in terms of managing the business, getting the customers and generating the revenue. In home front also was facing many issues financially and personally with family. I met Santhoshji He had many difficult to believe programs to solve various problems of life and I chose the program which can help me to grow in my global leadership, business & personal life.

Personally, now I am experiencing more stability of mind, not afraid to take decisions, always had fear in back of the mind what if this happens what if that happens, now I feel I have ability to tackle any kind of challenges.

My energy levels have gone up and I am getting connected to right kind of people who can make change to my business and personal life.

The program has changed my ability to handle the situations which in turn affected the way I handle people around me & myself.

Now our company iPact Tech Solutions has grown & providing our services to American, Indian, African & Middle East markets.

Santhoshji is a simple, humble, down to earth & a mystic person. He is the expert of what he is doing. He systematically & Supernaturally understands once's problems and take them through his programs in an unbelievable way so that one can achieve his goals in life with ease.

I recommend all leaders to take this program because leaders are the ones who impact many lives around them. If leaders empowered , many benefit.

It's really Supernatural & Divine.

Ms. Smiti Sud (46yrs)


I got completely cured of 2nd stage BREAST CANCER with the help of Maestro Santhoshji. Journey with him can't be explained in words, "IT'S A DIVINE EXPERIENCE".

I am very very thankful to him for the great difference made to my life.

And also, this made my life very peaceful, happy and powerful in every way.

This path with Santhoshji is very unique which I never experienced with anybody including best of guru's known in modern world Which I had explored in my life earlier.

You cannot name these programs just a yoga or Dhyana or meditation are some kind of psychological treatment or motivational program, it's beyond all that and here, Santoshji awakens and pulls out your own powers inside you to work in favour of you.

It's a divine experience, Which one cannot understand unless they experience it. Only Santoshji can do these supernatural work very uniquely to every individual.

I feel he is spiritually blessed and chosen by the universe and God to help and empower humanity in every way.

So I strongly suggest one should go to him not only to solve problems but even without problems to realise and make human life powerful & blissful in every way.

It's an experience for a human life.